Thursday 12 November 2009

PDC 2009 @ Home

Can you believe it? A year flown by already since I jetted off to LA, reclined to the soothing sound of Scott Gu's Keynote, and all-round indulged in a general geek-out at Microsoft PDC 2008! And already Microsoft PDC 2009 is upon us.

Windows 7, which we gawped at for the first time twelve months ago, is now gracing our desktops; Windows Azure is almost ready to go live; and after a good 52 weeks of head-scratching developers are just beginning to work out what Oslo is and isn't good for.

What with our baby being born and Bankers busting our economy, I'm not going to be present in person at the PDC this year. But the Directors at Paragon have very kindly granted us all a couple of days to be present in spirit by taking advantage of the session videos that Microsoft generously post online within 24 hours of the event.

So which sessions will I be watching?

Top of my list are the PDC specialties, the sessions usually flagged up with the magic word "Future" in their title. What developer doesn't go to PDC with an ear greedy for announcements of shiny new features for their favourite platform?

The other thing PDC is famous for are “deep-dives”: talks by the architects and developers of the various technologies on show, laying bare the inner workings of their creations. This year I’ll probably focus on WPF and Silverlight.

As well as watching these sessions, I hope to find some time over the next week for blogging about my discoveries. So why don’t you follow along?


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