Wednesday 18 November 2009

PDC Day 2 Keynote round-up

Reading the Twitter stream before the Keynote of PDC Day 2, the general consensus was that they keynote of Day 1 was rather dull. Much like last year, it seems that Day 1 was for the Suits, whereas Day 2 for the Geeks.

And were the geeks thrilled today. Steven Sinofsky, after demonstrating a whole lot of luscious hardware (including a Server-replacement laptop, and another laptop so thin that it seemed to disappear when turned edge-on) announced that all fully-paid up attendees would be given a free Acer laptop. The Gu then went on to announce the Beta of Silverlight 4, and Kurt Del Bene flicked the switch on the Office 2010 Beta.

These announcements have been covered in detail elsewhere, so I’ll leave you with the best links I’ve found.


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