Saturday 17 January 2009

Nothing new under the sun

With a new member of the household arriving mid-year, we’re in the process of re-purposing the room in our house that, outside of the family we call The Study, but between ourselves we refer to as The Junk Room. Our daughter is looking forward to a pink-themed makeover, with Fifi stickers on the walls; she won’t appreciate sharing with the quantity of books that we have in there.

As we were discussing where we could re-house our mini library my wife had sudden inspiration.

“Why doesn’t someone start a book rental service, like Love Film do with DVDs?”

A pause.

“Ah – that would be a library!”


Anahita said...

Hi Jack

This is Anahita(from MTAS) if you remember! I am subscribed by email to your blog and I was wondering if you are award of They sell second hand books for the fixed price of £3.75 and they buy it back off you for recycling again (i.e selling it again for £3.75).
They also buy your unwanted books. I have not tried them, but they seem to be what your wife is talking about!


Unknown said...

Thanks for pointing me to I've just listed some of my books on there, so we'll see if it works. I've also put some on BookMooch.Com, so I can compare the experience.


Anahita said...

Hi Sam

Congratulation on the arrival of the little one.

Did you manage to see any books?


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