Friday 12 September 2008

Marketing Mashups

From  the SD Times today, in an article entitled "Business Mashup Suite seeks to aid agile developers":

September 10, 2008 — Serena has focused its efforts on mashups and agile offerings, and nearly one year after creating its Business Mashup suite, Serena made the mashup building box available on demand today, letting users build and deploy mashups without the need of an IP infrastructure.

Serena executives said this makes mashup deployment significantly simpler. The company has also created what it calls Rich Interface Mashups, which tie widgets, RSS feeds and Flash components into Serena mashups. As more tech-savvy workers enter the workplace, Serena said it has seen more work happening outside of traditional application development circles. Rich Interface Mashups let users coordinate activities like business meetings and development projects without having to write code, according to Serena.

Now I'm pretty keen on coding, but I'd never have thought of trying to schedule a meeting with my boss using C#, or even VBA (which he'd understand better!); Outlook usually does the trick for me.

I'm a dab-hand at TLAs and Internet jargon, but to me, this reads like high-tech marketing gobbledygook: what's an "IP infrastructure" got to do with mashups? I wonder what they really meant?


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